Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Biology Essay Example for Free

Biology Essay The flow of genetic information from DNA to protein in eukaryotic cells is called the central dogma of biology. The role of RNA in protein synthesis is extremely important as protein synthesis could not occur without RNA. Three forms of RNA exist solely to create proteins. Through a process known as translation, RNA constructs the proteins necessary to sustain life. Spliceosomes Process pre-mRNA by splicing out intronic nucleic acids producing mRNA which is then translated to protein in ribosomes. Codons are three letter codes eg: AUG which codes for metheonine. Likewise there are many codons which code for different amino acids. Ribosomes bind to the mature mRNA at an AUG site and, for each codon (3 mRNA nucleic acids), a tRNA brings an amino acid for the translation, until the stop codon where the newly synthesized polypeptide is released in its primary structure. b) A eukaryotic cell has a nucleus that separates the processes of transcription and translation. Eukaryotic transcription occurs within the nucleus where DNA is packaged into nucleosomes nd higher order chromatin structures. Translation is the process by which messenger RNA is translated into proteins in eukaryotes. c) Rabies is an RNA virus, so it deviates from the central dogma by the fact that it is storing its genetic information in RNA instead of DNA. Eukaryotic cells use RNA as well, but only use it for an intermediate step when turning genetic information into protein. RNA is a much less stable molecule than DNA so it is not very good for holding the large amounts of DNA typically seen in Eukaryotic cells.

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Failure of Journalism during the Civil War in El Salvador Essay

The Failure of Journalism during the Civil War in El Salvador The Civil War in El Salvador was an event that most individuals misunderstood. A twelve year conflict and a power struggle that claimed to keep communism out of El Salvador killed 75,000 people and the whole story still remains untold. The Civil War in El Salvador was a conflict that roughly started in 1980 and ended with the peace accords in 1992. These dates are rough because there were many conflicts before 1980 and even after the peace accords were signed in 1992 the â€Å"death squads [1] † were still active every now and again. With respect to United States involvement, the reason the United States was initially involved was to block communist rule from spreading to another country. In hope of preventing this â€Å"communist spread†, the U.S. trained and equipped the Salvadoran military to be very powerful and very dangerous. The reason the U.S. felt the military would stop communism is because leftist groups had begun to organize themselves around the gueri llas. Due to this separation of power in the war torn country, anyone who supported or even acknowledged the guerillas and the leftist side was given the harshest and most severe punishment, often death. Because of these harsh and hostile conditions the real story of the leftist side was often skewed. As the government in power began to oppress the people, leftist groups formed in opposition to the militant government oppression. When enough leftists had come together they formed what was known as the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (F.M.L.N.), which got a bad reputation from the beginning for having Marxist ideals (Stanley 2), hence the United States involvement to keep communism out of Central ... ... truth. [1] The term â€Å"death squad† is a term used for effect. The word itself leads to biases because of the very nature that the term implies. Terminology like this was just one instance that made reports biased. [2] This ignorance was an ignorance of the culture as well as the specific details of the war. It is not a requirement that reporters be proficient in the language of the country they are reporting in and so the vagueness of many reports can be somewhat attributed to this scenario. [3] Its seem interesting to note that the U.N. truth commission itself seemed to distinguish murders committed by the army and murders committed by the death squads when it is quite clear that the death squads were operating under close control of the army. [4] Ethnocentricity defined by dictionary.com is the â€Å"belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group.†

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Human Nature †Are Humans Naturally Good or Evil? Essay

What is thought of as immoral to one person can be seen as ethical to another, and vice versa. This is due to the difference in the way humans perceive things, which is part of the intricacy of mankind. â€Å"During the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that conditions called war; and such a war, as if of every man, against every man. † (Hobbes) Hobbes states that Humans are naturally evil and need a powerful government to control them. Is it true? Rousseau thinks otherwise. â€Å"In reasoning on the principles he (Thomas Hobbes) lays down, he ought to have said that the state of nature, being that in which the care for our own preservation is the least prejudicial to that of others, was consequently the best calculated to promote peace, and the most suitable for mankind? man in the state of nature is both strong and dependent involves two contrary suppositions. Man is weak when he is dependent, and is his own master before he comes to be strong. † (Rousseau) The issue of good and evil is brought up in â€Å"Lord of the Flies† by William Golding, when innocent boys find themselves on a deserted island attempting to create a society similar to ours. What circumstances occur to them? How do past influences affect them? Are their actions good or evil? The actions of the boys were not a matter of being good or evil, but were actions for survival. A person’s environment does not draw him towards good or evil, nor is he or she born with it inside. Humans have instincts that are not affairs of good and evil, but of survival. By natural instinct, humans will do what is best for them especially for their survival. Animals, much like people, kill when in need. For instance, if they feel they are cornered, they would attack. If they need food, they will kill to eat. In â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, Ralph was being hunted by Jack’s tribe, and in a desperate attempt in his defense, thrusts his spear through a crack at the inspecting savages. Ralph attacked someone of his own kind for his own survival. It can be believed that man is the derivative of others animals, and as such, they have certain instincts that were instilled from birth. The boys later began to simulate the behavior of animals. â€Å"At once the crowd surged after it, poured down the rock, leapt on to the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore. There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws. † (Golding 153) William Golding’s description of this scene leads a reader to believe that these boys acquired animal like qualities. Do you know of any human who tears with teeth and claws? The boys mistake Simon for their beast and result in ruthlessly killing him. In their state of mind of savagery and hunting, they saw themselves in danger of this â€Å"beast† and their first instinct was to kill anything in sight that had the possibility of being it. Humans, like animals, have a natural instinct to protect themselves in case of danger, like attacking when cornered. Instincts are inherited, but indistinct characteristics such as good or evil are not. The significance of moral values do not apply to actions in situations for survival. Instincts are not about being moral or immoral, because the issue of being good and evil is undefined. Whether an action or situation is good or bad depends on who it is and how it is being perceived. This makes this issue uncertain due to the way it is viewed from person to person. Since the way it is seen will differ, man cannot be exclusively evil or exclusively good. Consider the following example: A dog constantly jumps on the window of a door in an attempt to get the attention of the family inside. He is doing this in hopes to be let back inside the house. Someone inside the house could view this as being evil, which would be different from the view of an animal lover. They would not consider this evil and would claim that the dog had not caused physical harm and just didn’t know any better. The dog doesn’t believe that it is evil because he is only obeying environmental charge. He’s been inside before and knows that it is much nicer than outside, and wants the attention that is inside. The dog has tried to jump on the door before, and had received the attention of someone who thus let him in. This leads the dog to believe that what he is doing is the â€Å"right† thing to do. After all, he just wants in, right? So the dog is evil because someone inside says he is, but then he is not evil because he doesn’t think he is. The opinions on what is evil and what isn’t disagree with each other because of how it was perceived by each side. In â€Å"Lord of the Flies† there is a situation that deals with Piggy’s glasses, which is the key to fire on the island. The glasses were stolen in the middle of the night that leads to a fight in the dark among the boys. The fact that the glasses were stolen, and they were Piggy’s only aid for sight, can be seen as evil, but what about Jack’s side? Jack acts upon his devoir to light a fire in order to cook the pig he killed with his tribe to fully enjoy their prize. Ralph and Samneric engage in a fight with whosoever they can touch first, without an attempt to reason. Which is evil in this situation? Humans are simply complex animals that respond to complex impulse, and their behaviors are influenced or are a product of everything that they learn starting from the day of their birth to the day of their death. Society sets a mold for the â€Å"good† and â€Å"bad† conditions that humans are learning from day to day. The role of society in being good or evil is that it acts as this guideline for that long lived dream of acceptance. It’s where what’s good gets you in, and what’s evil is what will make you repulsive. The ideas of power and the abuse of that power are not learned from the environment. The environment is used as a resource to abuse that power. Jack manipulates the boys into joining his tribe and sets up his territory on the island. He threatens people to join his tribe, and hunts those that refuse to. Jack’s tactics are an example of how he abuses power by using the environment and how he sets the society guidelines of acceptance. A society could not exist where people are brought up to know what they define as right or wrong, and could stick to that without problem. â€Å"We decide things. But they don’t get done. † (Golding 79) On the island, the civilized rules of having drinking water, shelters, and having a spot for a lavatory are not followed. The boys were brought up having rules like these, but they did not stick to them due to the problem that they didn’t have a strong enough authority figure to instill them. Society acts as this necessary component to life, and if it’s not there then it needs to be made. The creation of society begins with people who have the power to set the rules of acceptance, and they are the ones who establish what is good and what is evil. Society may manipulate others into believing what is good and evil, but those that manipulate society create that belief. In conclusion, Hobbes and Rousseau are both, in a sense, right and wrong. Hobbes said that human nature is evil and need to be controlled while Rousseau said human nature is good and need to govern themselves. It’s not that humans are innately good or evil, it’s their natural instinct that drives them to do immoral or ethical deeds based upon what society leads them to believe. People cannot exclusively be good or evil because the state of good and evil is undefined. People are born with an instinct that drives them to do what is necessary in extreme measures. This instinct overtakes any other preceding thought and becomes the need for survival. In Lord of the Flies, it wasn’t whether or not the inhabitants were evil or good, it was their human reaction and instinct in the case of survival. Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York, NY: Putnam Group, 1954. Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan. Ed. J C A. Gaskin. Oxford, NY: Oxford UP, 1998. Rousseau, Jean Jacques. The Social Contract and the First and Second Discourses. Ed. Susan Dunn. Binghamton, NY: Vail-Ballou P, 2002.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Irregular First-Conjugation Italian Verbs

Many important Italian verbs, like â€Å"fare - to do / to make† or â€Å"essere - to be,† are irregular, which means they don’t follow the regular conjugation patterns (infinitive stem endings). They may have a different stem or different endings. Three Irregular First-Conjugation Verbs There are only three irregular first-conjugation verbs (verbs ending in –are): andare—to godare—to givestare—to stay FUN FACT: The verb â€Å"fare† is derived from facere, a Latin verb of the second conjugation, so it’s considered an irregular second conjugation verb. DARE In the present tense, â€Å"dare† is conjugated as follows: dare - to give io do noi diamo tu dai voi date lui, lei, Lei d essi, Loro danno STARE In the present tense, â€Å"stare† is conjugated as follows: stare - to stay, to be io sto noi stiamo tu stai voi state lui, lei, Lei sta essi, Loro stanno The verb â€Å"stare† is used in many idiomatic expressions. It has different English equivalents according to the adjective or adverb that accompanies it. stare attento/a/i/e—to pay attentionstare bene / male—to be well/not wellstare zitto/a/i/e—to keep quietstare fresco—to get in trouble, be in for itstare fuori—to be outsidestarsene da parte—to stand aside, to be on one sidestare su—to stand (sit) up straight / to cheer upstare a cuore—to matter, to have at heartstare con—to live withstare in piedi—to be standingstare in guardia—to be on ones guard Here are some other examples: Ciao, zio, come stai?—Hi Uncle, how are you?Sto bene, grazie.—Im fine, thanks.Molti studenti non stanno attenti.—Many students dont pay attention. ANDARE In the present tense, â€Å"andare† is conjugated as follows: andare - to go io vado noi andiamo tu vai voi andate lui, lei, Lei va essi, Loro vanno If the verb â€Å"andare† is followed by another verb (to go dancing, to go eat), the sequence andare a infinitive is used. â€Å"Andare† is conjugated, but the second verb is used in the infinitive. Note that it’s necessary to use the preposition â€Å"a† even if the infinitive is separated from the form of andare. Quando andiamo a ballare?   - When are we going dancing?Chi va in Italia a studiare? - Whos going to Italy to study? When you’re talking about means of transportation, you would use the preposition â€Å"in† after the verb â€Å"andare.† andare in aeroplano—to flyandare in bicicletta—to ride a bicycleandare in treno—to go by trainandare in automobile (in macchina)—to drive, to go by car Exception: andare a piedi - to walk As a general rule, when andare is followed by the name of a country or a region, the preposition â€Å"in† is used. When it’s followed by the name of a city, the preposition â€Å"a† is used. Vado in Italia, a Roma. - Im going to Italy, to Rome.Vai a Parma†¦ in Emilia Romagna, vero? - You’re going to Parma†¦ in Emilia Romagna, right?